Curriculum vitae Patrick de Montmollin
Patrick de Montmollin, Master of Law (Lucerne/Neuchâtel)
2009: Bilingual Double Master's Degree in Law (Lucerne and Neuchâtel).
2007: Bachelor of Law (Neuchâtel).
2004: Gymnasium Maturity Certificate, with main option biology-chemistry (Neuchâtel).
From 01.04.2022: Founder and President of the Management of L'envol du Phoenix, individual company not registered in the Commercial Register.
17.05.2018: Transfer of the sole proprietorship's registered office and adaptation of its name: "Patrick de Montmollin, DMR, Legal Services & Translations (CHE-163.153.845)" to Villars-les-Moines (Münchenwiler, Canton of Berne).
From 01.03.2018: Managing-Partner of DMR PARTNERS, single company with Dr. iur. Olivier Riske.
22.12.2017: Registration of the sole proprietorship "Patrick de Montmollin, Legal Services & Translations" in the Commercial Register in Montagny (Canton of Fribourg).
01.03.2012: Founder and owner of the sole proprietorship "Patrick de Montmollin, Legal Advice and Translations" in Neuenegg (Canton of Berne).
2019-2020: Chairman of the Board of Judo Club Broye.
01.03.2009 – 23.04.2015: Member of the Management and the Bureau, President of the Prevention & Road Safety Commission, lawyer of the Swiss Touring Club (TCS), Neuchâtel section, in Fontaines (canton of Neuchâtel) / Delegate to the Swiss TCS.
29.01.2018 – 31.12.2018: Specialist jurist with the law firm Philippe Druey, notary in Payerne (canton of Vaud).
01.09.2015 – 31.12.2017: Specialist jurist with the law firm De Cet in Biel/Bienne (canton of Bern) / incl. 9 months of legal traineeship.
01.08.2015 – 31.08.2015: Trainee notary at the Land Registry Office of the Bernese Jura, in Courtelary Trainee notary.
15.10.2014 – 31.07.2015: Secretary-jurist at the law firm Chenevard - Wenger - Ventura, in Lausanne.
01.05.2014 – 31.10.2014: Secretary-jurist and translator at the Denis Reymond law firm in La Sarraz (canton of Vaud).
01.10.2013 – 30.04.2014: Trainee notary at the Daniel Graf Notary Office in Biel/Bienne (Canton of Bern).
01.07.2013 – 30.09.2013: Trainee notary at the Seeland Land Registry Office in Nidau (Canton of Bern).
01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013: Trainee lawyer at the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Canton of Bern - Bernese Jura Region - Seeland, in Biel/Bienne.
01.03.2012 – 31.12.2012: Jurist with Kellerhals Anwälte, Bern / incl. notarial internship.
01.10.2011 – 29.02.2012: Jurist with the law firm Schwegler Fasel & Partner in Laupen (Canton of Bern).
01.08.2009 – 29.02.2012: Specialist jurist at the Commercial Register Office of the Canton of Berne, Berne.
01.01.2011 – 30.06.2011: Jurist with POWERneting SA, in Neuchâtel.
02.02.2009 – 29.07.2009: Jurist and archivist with the Legal Unit of Industrial Services in Lausanne.
16.06.2008 – 11.07.2008: Trainee jurist with the law firm "ENGEL ▪ CHOFFAT ▪ L'HERITIER", in Neuchâtel.
07.01.2008 – 25.01.2008: Legal trainee at the Legal Unit of Industrial Services in Lausanne
2001 – 2005: Jobs under study (caddie-man, electrician's helper, warehouseman, storekeeper, ventilated centre monitor and care assistant).
2012 – 2016: Continuing education and legal internships at the Universities of Bern and Neuchâtel.
2008 – 2009: Universities of Neuchâtel and Lucerne Bilingual double Master's degree in law "M Law (Luzern/Neuchâtel)".
2004 – 2008: University of Neuchâtel Bachelor of Law "B Law".
2002 – 2004: University of Lausanne Propaedeutic studies in medicine.
1997 – 2002: Lycée Denis-de-Rougemont " Certificat de maturité gymnasiale ", with main option biology-chemistry.
1987 – 1997: Compulsory schooling, in Schinznach-Dorf (AG) and Neuchâtel, secondary school in scientific section.
French: Mother language.
Swiss-German: Spoken fluently (professional skills).
German: Spoken and read fluently (professional skills).
English: Spoken and read fluently (professional skills).
Italian: Basic knowledge.